672 research outputs found

    Portuguese sign language recognition via computer vision and depth sensor

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    Sign languages are used worldwide by a multitude of individuals. They are mostly used by the deaf communities and their teachers, or people associated with them by ties of friendship or family. Speakers are a minority of citizens, often segregated, and over the years not much attention has been given to this form of communication, even by the scientific community. In fact, in Computer Science there is some, but limited, research and development in this area. In the particular case of sign Portuguese Sign Language-PSL that fact is more evident and, to our knowledge there isn’t yet an efficient system to perform the automatic recognition of PSL signs. With the advent and wide spreading of devices such as depth sensors, there are new possibilities to address this problem. In this thesis, we have specified, developed, tested and preliminary evaluated, solutions that we think will bring valuable contributions to the problem of Automatic Gesture Recognition, applied to Sign Languages, such as the case of Portuguese Sign Language. In the context of this work, Computer Vision techniques were adapted to the case of Depth Sensors. A proper gesture taxonomy for this problem was proposed, and techniques for feature extraction, representation, storing and classification were presented. Two novel algorithms to solve the problem of real-time recognition of isolated static poses were specified, developed, tested and evaluated. Two other algorithms for isolated dynamic movements for gesture recognition (one of them novel), have been also specified, developed, tested and evaluated. Analyzed results compare well with the literature.As Línguas Gestuais são utilizadas em todo o Mundo por uma imensidão de indivíduos. Trata-se na sua grande maioria de surdos e/ou mudos, ou pessoas a eles associados por laços familiares de amizade ou professores de Língua Gestual. Tratando-se de uma minoria, muitas vezes segregada, não tem vindo a ser dada ao longo dos anos pela comunidade científica, a devida atenção a esta forma de comunicação. Na área das Ciências da Computação existem alguns, mas poucos trabalhos de investigação e desenvolvimento. No caso particular da Língua Gestual Portuguesa - LGP esse facto é ainda mais evidente não sendo nosso conhecimento a existência de um sistema eficaz e efetivo para fazer o reconhecimento automático de gestos da LGP. Com o aparecimento ou massificação de dispositivos, tais como sensores de profundidade, surgem novas possibilidades para abordar este problema. Nesta tese, foram especificadas, desenvolvidas, testadas e efectuada a avaliação preliminar de soluções que acreditamos que trarão valiosas contribuições para o problema do Reconhecimento Automático de Gestos, aplicado às Línguas Gestuais, como é o caso da Língua Gestual Portuguesa. Foram adaptadas técnicas de Visão por Computador ao caso dos Sensores de Profundidade. Foi proposta uma taxonomia adequada ao problema, e apresentadas técnicas para a extração, representação e armazenamento de características. Foram especificados, desenvolvidos, testados e avaliados dois algoritmos para resolver o problema do reconhecimento em tempo real de poses estáticas isoladas. Foram também especificados, desenvolvidos, testados e avaliados outros dois algoritmos para o Reconhecimento de Movimentos Dinâmicos Isolados de Gestos(um deles novo).Os resultados analisados são comparáveis à literatura.Las lenguas de Signos se utilizan en todo el Mundo por una multitud de personas. En su mayoría son personas sordas y/o mudas, o personas asociadas con ellos por vínculos de amistad o familiares y profesores de Lengua de Signos. Es una minoría de personas, a menudo segregadas, y no se ha dado en los últimos años por la comunidad científica, la atención debida a esta forma de comunicación. En el área de Ciencias de la Computación hay alguna pero poca investigación y desarrollo. En el caso particular de la Lengua de Signos Portuguesa - LSP, no es de nuestro conocimiento la existencia de un sistema eficiente y eficaz para el reconocimiento automático. Con la llegada en masa de dispositivos tales como Sensores de Profundidad, hay nuevas posibilidades para abordar el problema del Reconocimiento de Gestos. En esta tesis se han especificado, desarrollado, probado y hecha una evaluación preliminar de soluciones, aplicada a las Lenguas de Signos como el caso de la Lengua de Signos Portuguesa - LSP. Se han adaptado las técnicas de Visión por Ordenador para el caso de los Sensores de Profundidad. Se propone una taxonomía apropiada para el problema y se presentan técnicas para la extracción, representación y el almacenamiento de características. Se desarrollaran, probaran, compararan y analizan los resultados de dos nuevos algoritmos para resolver el problema del Reconocimiento Aislado y Estático de Posturas. Otros dos algoritmos (uno de ellos nuevo) fueran también desarrollados, probados, comparados y analizados los resultados, para el Reconocimiento de Movimientos Dinámicos Aislados de los Gestos

    Betonilhas para o revestimento de pavimentos

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia CivilAs betonilhas de revestimento para pavimentos apresentam, frequentemente, problemas de qualidade de execução, que obrigam, no limite, à sua remoção e substituição. As deficiências apresentadas podem ser devidas à fraca qualidade da mão-de-obra, dos materiais ou a especificações incorrectas ao nível de projecto. Por norma, a aplicação deste material é encarada como uma actividade secundária, não sendo as suas especificações contempladas de uma forma cuidada, sendo mesmo muitas vezes, inexistentes em fase de projecto. Geralmente, a sua produção é deixada ao cuidado de quem a aplica que, muitas vezes, não considera as diversas variáveis intervenientes no processo de produção de uma betonilha, como por exemplo: o fim para que irá servir; se irá receber algum tipo de revestimento; se servirá como camada de desgaste; ou que cargas deverá suportar. Este desinteresse generalizado no que diz respeito aos requisitos em projecto e procedimentos de execução para a aplicação de camadas de betonilhas para pavimentos tem resultado, geralmente, em elevadas espessuras, consumos elevados de ligante, má compactação das betonilhas, impossibilidade de controlo de qualidade e execução durante a produção e aplicação em obra, e finalmente, o aparecimento precoce de patologias (por exemplo: fendas e fissurações) que levam à degradação do pavimento. Pretende-se dar resposta a várias questões, sobre a produção e aplicação de betonilhas. Pretende-se também definir e compreender quais as normas europeias existentes para ensaios a betonilhas e se estas estão a ser respeitadas por quem as vende, produz e aplica. Desta forma irá abordar-se temas, como: requisitos exigidos a uma betonilha; normas e critérios utilizados para o seu dimensionamento e ensaios; características; patologias, diagnóstico e respectiva reparação. No decorrer desta dissertação, conclui-se, ainda, que existe uma crescente necessidade para compreender e estudar os requisitos necessários a que devem respeitar a escolha, produção e aplicação das betonilhas, de modo a evitar ou eliminar patologias que possam eventualmente surgir neste tipo de material que muitas vezes só aparecem em fase de uso, devido ao esmagamento sob cargas pontuais e em zonas de maior trafego. Conclui-se, também, que a degradação das camadas de betonilhas pode levar a prejuízos consideráveis em obra sendo, muitas vezes, a única solução a remoção e substituição por uma camada nova. Igualmente importante é a fase de diagnóstico e posterior reparação dos pavimentos, onde o mais difícil é definir as causas e mecanismos das patologias.Floor screeds often present problems of quality implementation, requiring at the limit, their removal and replacement. The pathologies presented may be due to poor quality of hand labor, from materials or incorrect specifications at project level. Normally the application of this material is regarded as a secondary activity, as its specifications are not carefully contemplated and they are often inexistent at project level. Its production is generally left to the care of those who apply it and often they do not consider all the variables involved in the process of producing and applying a screed, such as: its purpose, if it will get any kind of coating, if it will be a wearing screed or which loads will be applied. This generalized disaffection concerning the requirements and project implementation procedures to apply screeds have generally resulted in higher thickness, high consumption of binders, poor compaction of screeds, impossible control of quality and execution during production and application of screeds layers and finally the early appearance of pathologies (cracking, for example) that lead to degradation of the pavement. It will be aim of this work to address several issues that continue to raise questions that still lack answers on the production and application of screeds. One also intend to define and understand which European standards for testing the screeds exist and whether these are being respected by those who sell, manufacture and apply. One also concluded, that there is a growing need to study and understand the requirements the selection, production and application of screed must respect, in order to prevent the appearance of pathologies that this type of material may develop, which often appear only in the use phase of the pavement, due to crushing under localized loads and in higher traffic areas. It is also important to understand that the degradation of the screeds layers can lead to considerable damages in the pavement, and often the only solution is to remove and replace the older layer with a new one. Equally important is the diagnosis stage and later pavement repair, where the most complicated is to define its causes and mechanisms

    Shining examples of cost-effective energy and carbon emissions optimization in building renovation (Annex 56)

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    "Energy in Buildings and Communities Programme, March 2017"This brochure is a selection of successful realised demonstration projects within IEA EBC Annex56 partner countries that highlights successful solutions and provides general findings, similarities and differences emerging out of the demonstration projects selected in the participating countries. The ?ShiningExamples? are gathered mainly for motivation and stimulation purposes, highlighting the advantages of aiming at far reaching energy and carbon emissions reductions, being still cost effective. The focus is to highlight advantages and innovative (but feasible) solutions and strategies.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Selective impact of Tau loss on nociceptive primary afferents and pain sensation

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    Tau protein hyperphosphorylation and consequent malfunction are hallmarks of Alzheimer's disease pathology; importantly, pain perception is diminished in these patients. In physiological conditions, Tau contributes to cytoskeletal dynamics and in this way, influences a number of cellular mechanisms including axonal trafficking, myelination and synaptic plasticity, processes that are also implicated in pain perception. However, there is no in vivo evidence clarifying the role of Tau in nociception. Thus, we tested Tau-null (Tau-/-) and Tau+/+ mice for acute thermal pain (Hargreaves' test), acute and tonic inflammatory pain (formalin test) and mechanical allodynia (Von Frey test). We report that Tau-/- animals presented a decreased response to acute noxious stimuli when compared to Tau+/+ while their pain-related behavior is augmented under tonic painful stimuli. This increased reactivity to tonic pain was accompanied by enhanced formalin-evoked c-fos staining of second order nociceptive neurons at Tau-null dorsal horn. In addition, we analyzed the primary afferents conveying nociceptive signals, estimating sciatic nerve fiber density, myelination and nerve conduction. Ultrastructural analysis revealed a decreased C-fiber density in the sciatic nerve of Tau-null mice and a hypomyelination of myelinated fibers (Ad-fibers) - also confirmed by western blot analysis - followed by altered conduction properties of Tau-null sciatic nerves. To our knowledge, this is the first in vivo study that demonstrates that Tau depletion negatively affects the main systems conveying nociceptive information to the CNS, adding to our knowledge about Tau function(s) that might also be relevant for understanding peripheral neurological deficits in different Tauopathies.We would like to thank Drs Joao Relvas, Joana Paes de Faria Monteiro and Nuno Dias for their comments in this work. Many thanks to Dr Joao Relvas for the MBP antibody. The work was supported by grants "SFRH/BPD/80118/2011", "PTDC/SAU-NMC/113934/2009" funded by FCT - Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and project DoIT - Desenvolvimento e Operacionalizacao da Investigacao de Translacao (No. do projeto 13853), funded by Fund Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) through the Programa Operacional Fatores de Competitividade (POFC). Author's contributions: experimental design - IS, HA, VP, AA, and NS; performed research - IS, HA, VP, AL, SL, SS, SP, AC, FPR, and RF; data analyses - IS, HA, AL, VP, SC, and FPR; and manuscript preparation - IS, HA, VP, and NS

    Digi&Mind: Development and validation of a multi-domain digital cognitive stimulation program for older adults with cognitive decline

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    This research was funded by the Portuguese project AAC in 02/SAICT/2016 reference number 023822,is funded by the program COMPETE 2020 under the Scientific and Technological Research Support System, with an incentive of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). It has the support of the Nursing School of Coimbra and the Health Sciences Research Unit: Nursing


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    Prefácio: Em Portugal Continental, segundo os dados do 6º Inventário Florestal Nacional (IFN6)(ICNFa), os espaços florestais (floresta, matos e improdutivos) ocupam 6,2 milhões de hectares (69,4%) do território, ocupando a floresta uma área de 3,2 milhões de hectares. Os “montados”, os sobreirais e os azinhais constituem a principal ocupação florestal, com 1.069.300 hectares, representando cerca de 1/3 da floresta. Em Espanha ocupam uma área de cerca de 3.515.920 hectares (Campos et al., 2010), o que representa cerca de 1/5 dos espaços florestais,equivalente a 6,95% do território peninsular espanhol, sendo 75% das explorações privadas. De acordo com os dados do Inventário Florestal Nacional (ICNFa) o sobreiro ocupa no território continental uma área de 719.900 hectares e a azinheira de 349.400 hectares. Na região do Alentejo a área ocupada pelo sobreiro é de 609.400 hectares e pela azinheira de 315.500 hectares, representando, assim, 84,6% e 90,2%, respetivamente, das áreas ocupadas por estas espécies no território continental. Na floresta os habitats mais representados são os que derivam das florestas de quercíneas, os montados (4%, habitat 6310), os sobreirais (4%, habitat 9330), os carvalhais (3%, habitat 9230) e os azinhais (2%, habitat 9340) (ICNFa)

    Diabetes as an independent predictor of high atherosclerotic burden assessed by coronary computed tomography angiography: The coronary artery disease equivalent revisited

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    (1) To study the prevalence and severity of coronary artery disease (CAD) in diabetic patients. (2) To provide a detailed characterization of the coronary atherosclerotic burden, including the localization, degree of stenosis and plaque composition by coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA). Single center prospective registry including a total of 581 consecutive stable patients (April 2011-March 2012) undergoing CCTA (Dual-source CT) for the evaluation of suspected CAD without previous myocardial infarction or revascularization procedures. Different coronary plaque burden indexes and plaque type and distribution patterns were compared between patients with (n = 85) and without diabetes (n = 496). The prevalence of CAD (any plaque; 74.1 vs. 56 %; p = 0.002) and obstructive CAD (≥50 % stenosis; 31.8 vs. 10.3 %; p<0.001) were significantly higher in diabetic patients. The remaining coronary atherosclerotic burden indexes evaluated (plaque in LM-3v-2v with prox. LAD; SIS; SSS; CT-LeSc) were also significantly higher in diabetic patients. In the per segment analysis, diabetics had a higher percentage of segments with plaque in every vessel (2.6/13.1/7.5/10.5 % for diabetics vs. 1.4/7.1/3.3/4.4 % for nondiabetics for LM, LAD, LCx, RCA respectively; p<0.001 for all) and of both calcified (19.3 vs. 9.2 %, p<0.001) and noncalcified or mixed types (14.4 vs. 7.0 %; p<0.001); the ratio of proximal-to-distal relative plaque distribution (calculated as LM/proximal vs. mid/distal/branches) was lower for diabetics (0.75 vs. 1.04; p = 0.009). Diabetes was an independent predictor of CAD and was also associated with more advanced CAD, evaluated by indexes of coronary atherosclerotic burden. Diabetics had a significantly higher prevalence of plaques in every anatomical subset and for the different plaque composition. In this report, the relative geographic distribution of the plaques within each subgroup, favored a more mid-to-distal localization in the diabetic patients

    Coronary computed tomography angiography-adapted Leaman score as a tool to noninvasively quantify total coronary atherosclerotic burden

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    To describe a coronary computed tomography angiography (CCTA)-adapted Leaman score (CT-LeSc) as a tool to quantify total coronary atherosclerotic burden with information regarding localization, type of plaque and degree of stenosis and to identify clinical predictors of a high coronary atherosclerotic burden as assessed by the CT-LeSc. Single center prospective registry including a total of 772 consecutive patients undergoing CCTA (Dual-source CT) from April 2011 to March 2012. For the purpose of this study, 581 stable patients referred for suspected coronary artery disease (CAD) without previous myocardial infarction or revascularization procedures were included. Pre-test CAD probability was determined using both the Diamond-Forrester extended CAD consortium method (DF-CAD consortium model) and the Morise score. Cardiovascular risk was assessed with the HeartScore. The cut-off for the 3rd tercile (CT-LeSc ≥8.3) was used to define a population with a high coronary atherosclerotic burden. The median CT-LeSc in this population (n = 581, 8,136 coronary segments evaluated; mean age 57.6 ± 11.1; 55.8 % males; 14.6 % with diabetes) was 2.2 (IQR 0-6.8). In patients with CAD (n = 341), the median CT-LeSc was 5.8 (IQR 3.2-9.6). Among patients with nonobstructive CAD, most were classified in the lowest terciles (T1, 43.0 %; T2, 36.1 %), but 20.9 % were in the highest tercile (T3). The majority of the patients with obstructive CAD were classified in T3 (78.2 %), but 21.8 % had a CT-LeSc in lower terciles (T1 or T2). The independent predictors of a high CT-LeSc were: Male sex (OR 1.73; 95 % CI 1.04-2.90) diabetes (OR 2.91; 95 % CI 1.61-5.23), hypertension (OR 2.54; 95 % CI 1.40-4.63), Morise score ≥16 (OR 1.97; 95 % CI 1.06-3.67) and HeartScore ≥5 (OR 2.42; 95 % CI 1.41-4.14). We described a cardiac CT adapted Leaman score as a tool to quantify total (obstructive and nonobstructive) coronary atherosclerotic burden, reflecting the comprehensive information about localization, degree of stenosis and type of plaque provided by CCTA. Male sex, hypertension, diabetes, a HeartScore ≥5 % and a Morise score ≥16 were associated with a high coronary atherosclerotic burden, as assessed by the CT-LeSc. About one fifth of the patients with nonobstructive CAD had a CT-LeSc in the highest tercile, and this could potentially lead to a reclass

    Validation of a Novel, Sensitive, and Specific Urine-Based Test for Recurrence Surveillance of Patients With Non-Muscle-Invasive Bladder Cancer in a Comprehensive Multicenter Study

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    Bladder cancer (BC), the most frequent malignancy of the urinary system, is ranked the sixth most prevalent cancer worldwide. Of all newly diagnosed patients with BC, 70-75% will present disease confined to the mucosa or submucosa, the non-muscle-invasive BC (NMIBC) subtype. Of those, approximately 70% will recur after transurethral resection (TUR). Due to high rate of recurrence, patients are submitted to an intensive follow-up program maintained throughout many years, or even throughout life, resulting in an expensive follow-up, with cystoscopy being the most cost-effective procedure for NMIBC screening. Currently, the gold standard procedure for detection and follow-up of NMIBC is based on the association of cystoscopy and urine cytology. As cystoscopy is a very invasive approach, over the years, many different noninvasive assays (both based in serum and urine samples) have been developed in order to search genetic and protein alterations related to the development, progression, and recurrence of BC. TERT promoter mutations and FGFR3 hotspot mutations are the most frequent somatic alterations in BC and constitute the most reliable biomarkers for BC. Based on these, we developed an ultra-sensitive, urine-based assay called Uromonitor®, capable of detecting trace amounts of TERT promoter (c.1-124C > T and c.1-146C > T) and FGFR3 (p.R248C and p.S249C) hotspot mutations, in tumor cells exfoliated to urine samples. Cells present in urine were concentrated by the filtration of urine through filters where tumor cells are trapped and stored until analysis, presenting long-term stability. Detection of the alterations was achieved through a custom-made, robust, and highly sensitive multiplex competitive allele-specific discrimination PCR allowing clear interpretation of results. In this study, we validate a test for NMIBC recurrence detection, using for technical validation a total of 331 urine samples and 41 formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissues of the primary tumor and recurrence lesions from a large cluster of urology centers. In the clinical validation, we used 185 samples to assess sensitivity/specificity in the detection of NMIBC recurrence vs. cystoscopy/cytology and in a smaller cohort its potential as a primary diagnostic tool for NMIBC. Our results show this test to be highly sensitive (73.5%) and specific (93.2%) in detecting recurrence of BC in patients under surveillance of NMIBC.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Temas de investigação em direitos humanos para o século XXI

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    Edição comemorativa do 10.º aniversário do Mestrado em Direitos Humanos da Universidade do Minho.Este livro é uma celebração do ensino e da investigação em direitos humanos que têm vindo a ser desenvolvidos, na Escola de Direito da Universidade do Minho, há já mais de uma década. A sua publicação num momento em que se avolumam os riscos para valores fundamentais subjacentes à proteção dos direitos humanos – como a igualdade e a não discriminação, a proibição da escravatura e de tratamentos cruéis, desumanos e degradantes, a liberdade de religião ou crença, entre muitos outros –, torna-o especialmente oportuno. Os sinais de aparente retrocesso no consenso das nossas sociedades a respeito desses valores – visíveis no triunfo político de discursos abertamente racistas, xenófobos, sexistas, etc. – recordam-nos que, também no mundo ocidental, os direitos humanos são um work in progress, não um dado adquirido. Os novos riscos para a dignidade da pessoa humana associados aos avanços tecnológicos andam de par com velhas formas de subalternização e de opressão. O campo para a reflexão crítica é muito vasto. Os temas que hoje (pre)ocupam académicos, decisores políticos e ativistas de direitos humanos são também aqueles que estruturam o plano de estudos do Mestrado em Direitos Humanos da Universidade do Minho. Todos estes temas surgem ao longo do presente livro, que reúne contributos de muitos dos membros da comunidade científica e académica que o Mestrado em Direitos Humanos mobilizou e ajudou a dinamizar ao longo da última década, entre docentes do Mestrado, colaboradores em júris de provas públicas e/ou na orientação de mestrandos, oradores convidados e estudantes. Os textos aqui reunidos refletem bem as sinergias interdisciplinares, interinstitucionais e inter-nacionais que o Mestrado em Direitos Humanos foi capaz de criar, não apenas pela variedade de campos disciplinares representados – Direito, Filosofia, Relações Internacionais, Antropologia –, mas também pela participação de autores que são docentes e/ou investigadores em diversas instituições nacionais e estrangeiras, como a Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto, a Faculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra, a Universidade Federal da Paraíba e a Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio